Thursday, July 5, 2012

Found Another Painting

Yes, I found another beautiful painting.  This one at a yard sale in Australia.  I very rarely ever go to yard sales, but my husband and I were visiting our daughter in the spring and he spotted  a yard sale in the neighbourhood so we popped over for a look.  (Plus, I'm an avid Antiques Show watcher, and I've always wanted to find a painting at a yard sale - bonus!)

My daughter's Mother-In-Law, Barbara, was with us.  She picked up the oil painting first and my little heart went pitter-pat.  I waited to see if she was going to take it.  She put it back.  I snagged it quickly, asking her if she was sure she didn't want it.  She didn't.  My son-in-law had been telling me he was going to buy a painting in the next little while, and here it was, a gorgeous painting that would look great in their living room.

The painting is from the Sandy Creek Gallery and the artist is Shirley Docking.  Barb and I are avid Googlers so the minute we got home we both opened our laptops and started Googling to find out about the artist.  Barb found the information first. Unfortunately, the lady who painted this gorgeous work of art was murdered in Sandy Creek by an infamous Australian killer.  Not something I expected to find and not quite the kind of provenance I was hoping to attach to this painting.  You might not be able to tell in the photo but Shirley Docking used mixed mediums in this artwork.  Oils and acrylics.  The acrylics give dimension to the tree bark making it look very real.  A true Australian outback scene.

This painting has found a home where it will be treasured for its intrinsic beauty.  I think, somewhere, Shirley will be happy that her work of art has found a happy home.


  1. Lina, what a wonderful find! I love the painting and even the gruesome story behind it. (what writer wouldn't). Your daughter and SIL will enjoy this painting for a long time.

  2. It's gorgeous isn't it Susan! And you just never know what you might find when you least expect it. Especially from the writer's perspective.

  3. What a story behind the painting! It wouldn't have occurred to me to google the painting or the artist. But I do love those kind of finds at garage sales.

  4. Have you found things like that at Yardsales, Deb? Do share.

  5. What a great tale, Lina. And a beautiful painting. Story worthy, isn't it?

  6. Barbara, now all I need is a Barbara Phinney painting. :)

  7. Hello, Shirley Docking was my late Nan (Rita Oliver's) sister. I remember this painting hanging in my Nans house when I was a young girl. I am glad someone who appreciates it has found it :)

    1. Jodi, thank you for contacting me. I'm really pleased to hear from you. Yes, the painting is very much appreciated. It's really beautiful and it certainly captures Australia's beauty. It is hanging in a place where it will be appreciated every day.

    2. Thank you for your response. I shared this with my Mum and she was thrilled to see that her Aunty Shirley's paintings are still being appreciated after all this time. Thank you for sharing this with everyone.

    3. Shirley Docking was my sewing teacher in Sandy Creek. She always helped me with my knots. I used to go to school with Gary Docking.

  8. For anyone who is interested, I have two of Shirley Docking’s paintings which I inherited from my late father.

  9. I also inherited a painting of Shirley docking I absolutely love it.

    1. Care to post a picture of it on my blog, Erin? I'd love to see it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am the grand daughter of shirley she was killed when I was 14 mths old can you email me at thankyou tabitha

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Tabitha, I have been been given the task of finding a good home for 5 of Shirleys paintings which were bequeathed to my 95 year old mother by her 92 year old sister Connie Philp who was a great friend to Shirley. I have no idea of their worth.

  12. We recently bought one and it is being cleaned of cigarette smoke colouring.

  13. Shirley Docking was a family friend and used to make my school uniforms. She suffered much family sadness but she always had a smile and was jolly. Her life was taken by a worthless psychopath. Such a dreadful way to end a gentle life.

    1. It's such a terrible thing, but by the people I've spoken to about the painting, she was obviously loved by many...

    2. Stephan Wayne McBride is my uncle one of the two brothers the other my father David John McBride who caused this tragic event and I am ashamed to be related to such cowards and unfortunately the crime doesn't stop with them it continues on in the family. I do not have anything to do with the family I am am currently waiting for league documents to change my last name as I can't even get a licence check without being hassled by cops about my name. I am truly sadend by the tragedy although I wasn't born until 9 years after the event it even has its effects on me knowing what had happened I'm grateful the ran government denied bail to Stephan. I hope this doesn't upset the family in anyway it's not my intentions but if anyone wants any information that I may be able to provide you can contact me by email @

    3. Stephan Wayne McBride is my uncle one of the two brothers the other my father David John McBride who caused this tragic event and I am ashamed to be related to such cowards and unfortunately the crime doesn't stop with them it continues on in the family. I do not have anything to do with the family I am am currently waiting for league documents to change my last name as I can't even get a licence check without being hassled by cops about my name. I am truly sadend by the tragedy although I wasn't born until 9 years after the event it even has its effects on me knowing what had happened I'm grateful the ran government denied bail to Stephan. I hope this doesn't upset the family in anyway it's not my intentions but if anyone wants any information that I may be able to provide you can contact me by email @

  14. Hi Lina
    I too have a painting and my parents have a few. They were good friends of Shirley and her family. Mine is very different to her usual landscape types. I will try to put up a picture.

    1. I guess the picture didn't show up. Too bad, I would loved to have seen it.

  15. Lina
    Surprise a second painting of the same tree from another angle.
    About 4/5 years ago I came across this painting at a Salvation Army store in Maylands Perth.
    It was priced at $20 dollars but on the reverse side it was priced at $50.
    I rang my wife to Google the artist, what a pleasant find. But all the same a very sad story.
    The rest is history now.
    This evening I did another search to see if she had done any other paintings.........well your blog came up with the twin.

    If you email me I will send you a photograph.

  16. Lina I don't know how to post it on here. Can you please email me on, I will send you a pic ��

  17. My grand mother would typically do landscapes but i have other works too horses other animals and even a portrait of her daughter who tragically died in a car accident when she was 18.. it is lovely to see these stories about her and how you all have found her paintings she would love how they have found homes where they are appreciated

  18. I've just found one in a charity shop in Perth, lovely little painting.

  19. I also have a painting called
    'By the Lock'

  20. Hiw wonderful Nans paintings are found all over Australia are you share a picture by any chance would love to see it

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  21. Replies
    1. Hi. I am your Nan’s nephew Dennis and would love to catch up with any members of her family. If you can help with this I would really appreciate it. Thanks and regards. Dennis B.
